Creative Ladies of Instagram: 5 Favorites


These ladies are totally killin' it with their creativity. Here are five of my absolute favorite Instagram accounts, run by talented women in creative fields: an illustrator, a designer, two bloggers, a painter and a stylist. Enjoy!

No. 1 ↠ @anndanger

Ann Shen is one of my favorite bad girl illustrators. Her hand-painted style is delicate, girly & bursting with color. One of my favorite parts about her Instagram is all of the behind-the-scenes moments where she captures glimpses of her everyday experiences: hunting for vintage treasures, strung seashells on a tropical vacation, or retro wallpaper from a diner. Ann recently published a fully-illustrated book through Chronicle, Bad Girls Throughout History.  That title alone tells you it's a keeper. 

No. 2 ↠ @jessicavwalsh

Jessica Walsh is simply amazing. She's a designer and partner at Sagmeister and Walsh, co-author of 40 Days of Dating, and an all-around kickass lady. Her Instagram is a collection of found inspiration, personal projects, and her quirky/stylish ensembles. She always gives credit when she posts other designers' work, and it's a huge bonus to see what inspires this inspirational designer herself. Her Instagram is a grid of bright swatches of color and ultra-modern pop art photography. 

No. 3 ↠ @abeautifulmess

Elsie & Emma are the creative ladies and writers behind A Beautiful Mess, a home decor and lifestyle blog. In addition to all of their killer original content, these two scout out other Instagram accounts and share photos that fit with their brand. This is one of my favorite aspects of following A Beautiful Mess– through their page, I find some real gems to follow as well. You can easily get lost in their curated collection of artwork and photography, so enjoy!

No. 4 ↠

Maggi McDonald is an insanely talented abstract painter. Her Instagram is chock full of her work– it's an impressive variety of works-in-progress, finished paintings, her workspace, and detail shots. Her paintings follow a similar color palette comprised of bright turquoise, punches of pink, and marbled blue. The result is a calming, happy vibe. It makes me want to coat my walls with her work.

No. 5 ↠ @hotpinkpineapples

Cyn is a set decorator and her Instagram is a burst of juicy colors, quirky styles, and sheer fun. Spend just ten seconds on her page and there will be no doubt in your mind that she is an fabulously accomplished creative with a colorful spirit to boot. Cyn’s Instagram allows you to see the world through her rose-tinted glasses and it’s a beautiful one.

It was SO difficult to narrow this down to just five, so you better believe Part II will soon follow! Comment if you know of an awesome Insta account that I should feature next!