New CatCoq Collab with Libbee: T-Shirt Subscription to Your Door
Partnering Up with Libbee to Bring CatCoq T-Shirts Straight to Your Door
I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Libbee, a t-shirt subscription brand that brings designer-approved apparel right to your doorstep.
Each month, Libbee sends out a shirt with a design custom-illustrated by a professional designer. I partnered up with Ann Shen and Lauren Hom to design the three initial apparel designs for Libbee’s launch.
My artwork for Libbee apparel.
Cat Coquillette + Lauren Hom + Ann Shen
To launch their brand, Libbee paired up with three designers. I am honored to be rocking this launch with two of my favorite badass creatives, Lauren Hom and Ann Shen.
I’ve fan-girled over both of these ladies for years. I discovered Ann on Instagram years ago, which inspired me to whip a blog post dedicated to my favorite creative women on Instagram.
I found out about Lauren Hom back when I was in design school– her Daily Dishonesty series had recently gone viral and I was hooked with her quirky quotes in her gorgeous hand-lettering style.
Q&A with Libbee x Cat Coquillette
Libbee: What inspires your art?
Cat: I live as a “digital nomad”, which means I travel around the world, working off my laptop as I go. Instead of one permanent home, I hop from country to country every few weeks or months. This craving of exploration has become my primary inspiration for the artwork I create. I carry my art supplies with me wherever I travel, so I can paint, draw, or digitally illustrate whenever inspiration strikes. Each of my pieces holds a special memory for me.
Libbee: What are you most grateful for today?
Cat: At this very moment, I’m most grateful for health and family. Last week, I got into a motorbike accident in Bali, Indonesia. No broken bones, thankfully, just bandages and stitches. I flew back to the USA the next day and my family has been incredible in helping me recover. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before, so good health is something I’d always taken for granted. Now that I’m in recovery mode, I’m appreciating how good it feels to have a healthy body and a strong support system of family and friends.
Libbee: What’s one thing about you that surprises people?
Cat: I’m allergic to all animals with fur, which surprises everyone because I will stop and pet any dog/cat/other that lets me. When I’m backpacking, I carry cans of dog and cat food in my pack so I can feed any strays I come across. I have such a soft spot for animals and love being around them, but it takes its toll on my sinuses. I keep Benadryl in my purse just in case my sneezing gets out of control.
Libbee: What's one piece of advice for aspiring artists?
Cat: Explore various avenues and find what works best for you. One person’s success won’t be the answer for everyone. Once you find your jam and hit your stride, capitalize on that momentum and hustle hard. Seize opportunities for growth, even the ones that push you out of your comfort zone. Your confidence will bloom and your career will expand in ways you never imagined.