How to Share your Art Process on Social Media

In today's digital age, social media is like our virtual portfolio – a place to showcase our art, connect with our audience, and make our creative mark on the world. As surface designers, a great way to do that is to share our art creation process. Showing a behind-the-scenes look at your process is a great way to boost your social media engagement, and keep your followers interested in what you’re sharing. People love to see how much work goes into creating a unique piece of artwork, so in this tutorial we’ll learn how to do just that.

Trust me; it's a game-changer for engaging with your audience! In this blog post, I'm going to walk you through an easy, step-by-step approach to create engaging posts that will boost your reach on social media!

Step 1: Start with an Image of your Artwork

We kick things off with the pièce de résistance – your final illustration! Share a sneak peek of your final creation to get your audience's curiosity piqued. It's like the trailer before the big movie – giving your fans a taste of the awesomeness that's coming their way.

Step 2: Show the Original Sketch

Now, let's go back to the very start and show your original sketch. Sharing the initial doodles and ideas behind your masterpiece can be so cool. It makes your art feel real and relatable, reminding everyone that even the most fantastic creations start with a humble sketch.

Step 3: Show a Half-Completed Painting

As your work of art unfolds, don't forget to take snapshots along the way. Sharing your work when it's about halfway done allows your audience to see how much work each step takes and how the process of creating the final piece unfolds step by step. 

Step 4: Show Mockups of Your Artwork on Products

One of the best parts of sharing your designs on your social media is showing your audience how your artwork fits on various products! From tote bags to phone cases and wall prints – these mockups help your audience visualize your art in their space.

Now, for some extra tips to make your social media content even more exciting.

Time Lapse Videos

Time-lapse videos are great content for social media! They condense hours or even days of hard work into a few mesmerizing minutes.  Your audience will love watching your art come to life from start to finish in fast motion.

Share the Inspiration Photos

You know what's even more exciting? Showing off the stuff that inspires your art. Share those photos or images that set your creative wheels in motion. It's like giving your audience a backstage pass to your sources of inspiration.

Art to Product Transition

Thinking about selling your art or collaborating with brands? Show how your art transforms into real, tangible products. It's a great way to highlight your art's versatility and demonstrate how it can fit into people's lives.

In a nutshell, sharing your art creation process on social media is an awesome way to connect with your audience, gain a loyal following, and let your art shine in the digital world. Get ready to show your work,  embrace your creative spirit, and start this social media journey – your fans are waiting to be wowed!