Redbubble's Featured Artist

I work with several print-on-demand websites, but Redbubble is one of my favorites. They do an impressive job supporting the artists in their community. They recently selected me as their Featured Artist for November 2015. Beth Caird interviewed me for the article, which you can read here

Here's some snippets:

How did you become an illustrator and designer?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always gravitated towards art. I initially decided to major in illustration at The University of Kansas, but after trying out a few graphic design classes, realized I wanted to do both. My career has reflected this blend of passions; in addition to being an illustrator, I also work as a graphic designer. I look for ways to incorporate illustration into my design projects whenever I can, whether it’s my go-to watercolor style or a sleek digital illustration.

Patterns and repetition appear an important feature in your work, could you tell us about why you enjoy them?
There’s something therapeutic about painting intricacies and repetition. Elements you find in nature lend themselves to this style particularly well. I can zone out with a paintbrush and a few hours later, my paper will be caked with ivy or sliced tree rings.

What one piece of advice do you wish you had read about illustration and graphic design five years ago?
Be confident about your work and embrace new opportunities that come your way. Make an effort to stay up-to-date with design trends. Most fans only know you based on your web presence, so maintaining your website or portfolio is vital. Overall, enjoy yourself! We are among the lucky few whose passions intertwine with our careers. We get to make a career out of doing what we love, and that’s a wonderful gift.

You can read the full article here.
Visit my Redbubble shop here.