Guest Interview on Ladies of Ludlow Podcast โ€“ Digital Nomad Lifestyle, Art Licensing, and Self-Employed Artist


Big news! My interview on the Ladies on Ludlow podcast is officially available. ๐ŸŽ™

In the latest episode, I speak with host Madelaine about how I went from working as an art director at an agency to a self-employed artist traveling the world full-time.


Episode Highlights:


How I went from casually painting after work to quitting my job and becoming a full-time, self-employed artist.


Why I decided to move out of my Kansas City apartment and relocate to Chiang Mai, Thailand.


How Society6 gave me the confidence, resources, and income boost that shaped my entire career path.


My first steps into becoming a Skillshare teacher and what drives me to help other creatives become successful.


How passive income allows me to break away from trading time for money. Instead, I travel the world and continue to earn income even when Iโ€™m not working.


What itโ€™s like to run a business while traveling the world full-time as a digital nomad.


Nothing is left off the table. I discuss the biggest challenges Iโ€™ve faced, how I support myself financially, and my best advice for anyone who wants to pursue entrepreneurship or become a digital nomad.