Thank you so much for your interest in writing a guest post for the CatCoq blog! Please read through this entire page before submitting your post to be featured.

CatCoq is a design and illustration brand with a focus on education, art licensing and surface design. My primary mediums are watercolor and digital art, but I welcome guest submissions of all mediums! All I ask is that your blog post is written as a step-by-step art tutorial. Here are some examples of blog tutorials that share step-by-step instructions. I'm looking for your unique voice, so don't feel the need to copy these examples exactly or stay within these themes. But do use these as a guideline when preparing your post. 

General Guidelines

  • This blogging opportunity is open to artists and creatives who want to share a creative tutorial. I do not accept promotional or affiliate articles. 

  • Submitted articles are subject to grammar and spelling edits. 

  • Please note that articles are not paid.

  • Art rights remain with the original artists and will not be used in any way other than credited features within CatCoq.

  • I try to feature as many blog posts as possible, but I can only feature a certain amount each month. If your blog is selected to be featured, you will be notified via email. 

  • Due to a high volume of submissions, I am unable to respond to submissions that were not selected to be published.

  • Before submitting your work, please check out the blog for examples of how to set up your article and the type of voice to use.

Content Guidelines

Please follow the following guidelines when writing your blog post. Blog posts that do not follow these guidelines will not be accepted. 

  • Write the blog post in a step-by-step format.

  • Include at least one image for each of the steps in your tutorial.

  • Write your post in a Google Doc and include the images with their corresponding steps in the document. See an example here.

  • Please make sure that your Google Doc sharing settings are set to “Anyone with the link can edit.”

  • Include a Supplies section with any supplies needed for the tutorial 

  • Please do not include affiliate links in your post.

  • If you use video to illustrate any of the steps it must be made into a gif and be under 20MB in size.

  • Please ensure that your images are high-quality and are taken in good lighting. 

  • Your blog post must be original content (please don't copy and paste an entire post directly from your existing blog and submit it here).

You can reference this blog post as an example of a post that follows these content guidelines.

Submit Your Article

Please fill out the following form to submit your blog post.